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PINK Revolution of NH in the News!

We made it to the front page of the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript!

Front page news article.
PINK Revolution NH on the front page of the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript!

A warm thank you to reporter, Julia Stinneford, of the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript for highlighting Pink Revolution on the front page of their newspaper this week. Click here for the link to the story:

The thing that we love about this story is the emphasis she has put on the work of all the volunteers that have come together to make this non-profit successful. She highlighted Sheila Nourse, Michele Moulton, and their group of 4 other cardmaking enthusiasts from Wilton that created 1300 thank you cards by hand. She also highlighted Karen Shutt of Pittsburg, NH that made 100 lapghans in 2019 for our chemo packages. What a lot of work by all those involved.

As the saying goes, IT TAKES A VILLAGE! Could not do all of this without the help of our warmhearted volunteers and especially our Pink Revolution Committee. The work that they have been doing in preparation for our event in November is incredible!


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